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White Rock Life - Real Estate Blog

Supersize it Please! Upsizing your home for long term gains

Posted on Jul 10, 2024

Hey, I TOTALLY get it. You might be thinking, "Sean, are you crazy! My grocery bill has gone 
from $150 to close to my mortgage payment on my townhouse every month. I can’t move!” 
BUT, what if you can? Hear me out...

Firstly, I am not saying that you should upsize if it doesn’t work for you or if it doesn’t help your personal situation. Everyone’s si...

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Pole Position Properties: Comparing High-Speed F1 Tactics to Real Estate Excellence

Posted on Jun 16, 2024

As a massive Formula 1 fan and having just come back from the 2024 Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal, I can see certain similarities between racing and real estate. Success in Formula One racing and real estate may seem worlds apart, but the strategies for achieving excellence in both fields are striking. Just as Formula One teams meticulou...

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